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Kubernetes Data Sources

Contemplate can take values from Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret resources. These can be specified using the --k8s-configmap / --k8s-secret command-line argument or the k8s-configmap/k8s-secret prefix in the CONTEMPLATE_DATASOURCES environment variable:

contemplate --k8s-configmap app-config --k8s-secret app-secret
env CONTEMPLATE_DATASOURCES="k8s-configmap:app-config,k8s-secret:app-secret" contemplate

The Kubernetes context and namespace are taken from the user's KUBECONFIG environment variable or ~/.kube/config, or, if that failed, the in-cluster configuration (KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST, KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT and service account token in /var/run/secrets/

The namespace can be overridden using the --k8s-namespace command-line argument.

Keys in Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets are normalized.